Asterix & Obelix XXL2 kommer i remastret utgave 29. november
For en del år siden, nærmere bestemt i 2006 kom spillet Asterix & Obelix XXL2 – Mission: Las Vegum ut på PC og Playstation 2, men bare i Europa. Spillet kom også i remiks versjonen Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission: Wifix til Sony PSP og Nintendo DS.
Nå kommer en remastred utgave av Asterix & Obelix XXL2 til Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 og PC. Det skjer 29. november i år. Spillet kommer i digital utgave samt både en limited edition og en collectors edition. Denne gangen blir spillet gitt ut verden over.
Grafikken for er oppgradert med nye modeller for alt av figurer og miljø til mer detaljert tekstur. Det er også lagt til tre vanskelighetsgrader; easy, normal og hard. Det er også lagt til et par utfordringer i hver verden hvor du skal prøve å ta så mange romere du kan innen en gitt tid.

Her er et lite udrag fra pressemelding om forbedringene i den remasterde utgaven av
Enhanced graphics:
- New textures and models for all characters and enemies.
- New textures and lighting for environments.
Improved gameplay:
- A new system of store that changes and adds upgrades compared with the original game. These stores are located in the six game environments and allow players to increase their skills thanks to new techniques, combos and Furies. This system is similar to a conventional skills tree.
- Cosmic Strike and Pantry: two new skills to help overcome enemies.
- Health bar upgrade: the health bar can be upgraded as the player progresses through the game in order to reach a higher maximum health level.
- Addition of three difficulty levels: easy, normal and hard.
A new addition to the remastered version: challenges!
- Challenges are bonus missions focused on fighting. The aim is to beat as many Romans as possible within a given time.
- There are two challenges in each of the six game environments, making 12 in total.
- The bronze rank is easily accessible and is a good way to earn money but reaching the Gold rank is a real challenge!
A new collectibles system:
- Postcards are now hidden in the levels, collecting all of them requires to fully explore the game.
- Figurines, now in 3D, can be unlocked in the shop.
- A new Fast Travel system: once you unlocked a level, you can easily go back thanks to fast travel and find the missing collectibles!
Kilde: Pressemelding
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